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What is programming, Why programming skills are so important, Overview of different programming languages, What is Python and what it can do for you, Interpreter vs. compiler, Compiled vs. interpreted languages, Python resources: books and online courses, Flvorrs of Python: v3.4 vs. v2.7, Python distributions, How to install and configure Anaconda, Basic Python statements (print, +, - etc.), Types of programming errors, Debugging, Commenting code.
What is Linting, Commenting: single vs. multiline, Values and data types/classes, String class, Integer class, Float class, What are floating-point numbers, Floating-point arithmetic, Perils of floating-point representation, Type conversion, Variables, Rules for variable naming, Keywords, Variable reassignment, variable update, Statements and expressions, Operators and operands, Operator precedence, String formatting, Console input
Conditional statements, Good programming practices, Comparison/relational operators, Boolean data type and logical operators, Loops: for loop and while loop.
Lists, Lists vs. variables, List indexing, Mutable vs. immutable distinction, Mutability of strings and lists, Slicing of list, Building lists from scratch, Builtin list functions, Dictionaries, List vs. Dictionary
Getting a deeper understanding of Python code using Spyder Debugger and Online Python Tutor, Common student confusions about indentation, Reading a list of lists, Generating list of lists, Merging two lists into a dictionary using zip method, Merging two lists into a dictionary with enumerate method,
Offline Python Tutor: How to install and use it, Tuples, Tuples vs. list, Immutability of tuples, Using tuples to sort a dictionary by key or values
Functions, Why do we need functions, Syntax of a function, Arguments vs. parameters, Function definition vs. function calls, Return statement, Good programming practices for writing functions, Docstring, Function arguments, Required arguments, Keyword arguments
Default arguments, Variable-length arguments: *args and **kwargs, Modules, Building modules, Importing modules
Object-oriented programming: Why do we need it?, Procedural vs. object-oriented programming, What are classes?
Methods, Instance variables, Class variables, Inheritance and encapsulation, Basics of GUI designing, Tools needed for GUI design
Skeleton code for GUI, Simple GUI calculator, File picker, Buttons with pictures in background using CSS, GUI tables
There are no PowerPoint files for these final two lectures available at this point in time.